A strict dress code is enforced for CODE night first Saturdays. But that doesn’t mean you won’t find gear freaks there too. These days, Boystown is where you’re likely to find twinks and circuit kweenz. Boystown was the first officially recognized “gay village” in the States. In the case of Chicago, it was further up the lake to Lincoln Park area, where you can still find fun at the Manhandler Saloon.Įventually, the gay boys planted their freak flag further north in the neighborhood now known as Boystown. As rents go up, the gays flee for more affordable neighborhoods. The place was flooded with gay bars where horny guys could meet. By the Swinging ‘60s, Old Town was the place to be for gay men. Just a bit further up Lake Michigan, American’s first gay rights organization, the Society for Human Rights, was founded in Old Town in 1925. In the Roaring ‘20s, homos starting congregating in the bohemian spots of Tower Town, now known as the Magnificent Mile. It’s actually been shifting north over the past several decades. But you have to go further north to find Chicago’s gay center of gravity. But how much do you really know about gay Chicago? Most of the action at IML takes place in central Chicago at the Congress Hotel. International Rubber takes place in Chicago in November. Leather takes place in Chicago every May.
Sure, you probably know International Mr.